
Understanding the exam format is crucial for anyone planning to take the Duolingo English Test, whether you're a student aiming to meet university admission requirements or a professional seeking visa application approval. Familiarising yourself with the test’s pattern will help you prepare effectively and ensure that this test aligns with your specific needs and goals.

Overview of Duolingo English Test format in Thailand

In order to score well, you’ll need to first understand the exam’s format and test pattern.

The Duolingo English Test is designed to assess your English language proficiency through a variety of tasks. This exam features 5 sections, each focusing on different skills:

  1. Initial Comprehension (~10 minutes)

  2. Comprehension (~10 minutes)

  3. Interactive Comprehension (~15 minutes)

  4. Production (~20 minutes)

  5. Shared (~10 minutes)

Explore detailed insights into each test section along with expert tips and strategies to help you ace the Duolingo English Test and achieve your desired score.