Explore official IELTS preparation materials for Speaking test, from free practice tests to events and tips from IELTS Experts.
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Comparing speaking performances across bands 5 to 8
Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question if I don't understand it the first time?
If you missed something the examiner said in your IELTS Speaking test, you can ask the examiner to repeat the question. Our IELTS Expert Don, gives us some tips on how.
Am I allowed to ask my Speaking examiner for an alternative topic?
If you are uncertain about the topic you are given in your IELTS Speaking test, find out from our IELTS Expert whether you can ask for a different topic.
IELTS Speaking test, a closer look at a band 7 in Part 3
Watch this Part 3 IELTS Speaking test sample and discover why Mauricio’s performance was given a band 7.
If you are scared of getting stuck in your IELTS Speaking test and not being able to answer the question, watch this short video with tips to help you.
Watch this short video to find out whether using more idioms in your Speaking test responses has any affect on your final score.
Our IELTS Expert, Don gives up some quick tips to improve your fluency in IELTS Speaking and the best accent to use.