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Familiarise yourself with test types, take advantage of the free support tools on offer. And let our Experts help you get the IELTS score you need, from preparation advice to a breakdown of the test parts, what to expect on test day and everything in between. You will find resources to help you prepare for both the Academic and General Training tests.
Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!
Canada expands Student Direct Stream in the Americas
Faster study permit applications option is now available to students in seven Caribbean, Central and South American countries.
Free vaccinations for international students in England
All international students aged 18 and above eligible under the scheme.
إنجاز جديد لاختبار الآيلتس IELTS
IELTS test results are now accepted by more than 11,000 organisations across the globe.
أنواع الأسئلة في اختبار المحادثة في الآيلتس
تعرف على الأسئلة التي قد تصادفها في اختبار المحادثة في الآيلتس لتساعدك على التحضير لاختبارك.
The difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training
IELTS provides you with a choice between the Academic and General Training tests. So which one should you book? Let's find out.
أنواع الأسئلة في قسم القراءة الأكاديمية
تأكد من التعرف على الأسئلة التي قد تصادفك في اختبار الآيلتس الأكاديمي قبل أدائه.
Grammar 101: How to use who and whom correctly?
How to use who and whom correctly? Let’s look at some examples and do a who vs whom quiz.
قصص نجاح الآيلتس
استمع لقصص النجاح والإرشادات والنصائح من المتقدمين السابقين للاختبار. تعرّف على كيفية تحقيقهم لأهدافهم في العمل والدراسة والهجرة من خلال الآيلتس.
Free access to IELTS online preparation course
Book your IELTS test with a participating test centre and get free access to an online preparation course for 30 days.
IELTS Reading Practice
Get access to free sample questions for Academic Reading. It’s perfect for improving your English-language skills and prepare for test day.