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A happy male student holding the Canadian flag.

Canada expands Student Direct Stream in the Americas

Faster study permit applications option is now available to students in seven Caribbean, Central and South American countries.

A male test taker in a white t-shirt answering a question in his IELTS Speaking test

IELTS 會話考試的問題類型

掌握在 IELTS 會話考試中可能會遇到的問題,為你的 IELTS 考試做好準備。

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A male test taker practicing for IELTS Listening test in his laptop.


Prepare for IELTS with these free practice tests and answers for Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading.

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IELTS test taker typing into her laptop

7 myths about the IELTS Writing test to dispel

Want to give yourself the best chance of a high band score in IELTS Writing? Then take our advice and don’t believe these 7 myths.

A female test taker having a conversation with an IELTS Expert

9 myths about the IELTS Speaking test to debunk

It's time to separate fact from fiction and see how the IELTS Speaking test is actually marked.

A female candidate takes the IELTS Listening test on the computer

9 myths about the IELTS Listening test you should not believe!

There is a lot of conjecture out there about the IELTS Listening test. In this article we debunk some common misconceptions.

Two female and two male students have a casual talk sitting on the grass with a baseball and a football in a parkPreparation

IELTS 考試的成功故事

聽取 IELTS 考生的成功故事、貼士和建議。了解他們如何透過 IELTS 實現就業、升學和移民目標。

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A male IELTS test taker looking into a laptop

IELTS on computer VS IELTS Online: What’s the difference?

Both tests are taken on computer but that's where the similarity ends. Read on to find out more.

Three male IELTS test takers sitting on a bench prepare for IELTS test with the official preparation materials.

IELTS 學術模式閱讀考試的問題類型

應考前,請確保你已掌握 IELTS 學術模式考試可能出現的問題類型。

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The word 'Whom' on a wooden board

Grammar 101: How to use who and whom correctly?

How to use who and whom correctly? Let’s look at some examples and do a who vs whom quiz.

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