COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, and go about our daily lives, but that doesn’t mean you have to completely pause the pursuit of your study or migration goal.
In this free “IELTS: From start to finish” webinar series, we share everything you need to know about IELTS test, from tips on how to prepare to live Q&As and success stories.
What we will cover
Expertise - How to best prepare for the test and boost your IELTS score.
Inspiration - Test takers share their experiences, tips and stories.
Transparency - Experts explain how the test is scored so you fully understand the marking criteria.
IELTS 全攻略講座
IELTS 全攻略講座
對象*:適合沒有 / 將會報考 IELTS 之人士 (已報考之考生,歡迎參加「IELTS 專家備試講座」)
在「IELTS 全攻略講座^」中,我們將會分享有關 IELTS 考試的基本知識,包括:
了解 IELTS Listening、Reading、Writing 及 Speaking 各部份考題格式
IELTS 如何如實反映考生在學習、工作以至在日常運用英語的能力,並在學校、大學、僱主、移民政府機關及專業團體的認受性
立即了解IELTS 全攻略講座時間表: