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Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!
View IELTS news and articles
Overcoming the fear of English conversations
Discover tips to overcome English speaking fears, boost your conversational skills, and practise for the IELTS Speaking test with IDP's resources.
IELTS Writing Task 1 & 2: how to write with clarity and conciseness
How can you articulate your thoughts with precision and keep your writing concise for the IELTS? Learn how you can write well with our guide.
Minimum IELTS score to study in Canada universities in 2024
Find out the minimum scores you need for your IELTS test to successfully study in the best Canadian universities!
Minimum IELTS score to work in the USA and get PR in 2024
Here’s what you must score in your IELTS test to be eligible for PR and to work in the United States.
Minimum IELTS score to work in Canada and get PR in 2024
Here’s what you must score in your IELTS test to be eligible to work and attain PR in Canada. View this comprehensive list now!
Minimum IELTS score to study in New Zealand universities in 2024
Looking to study in New Zealand? Here are the IELTS scores required to enter the university of your dreams!
Unlock Global Opportunities and Boost Your Career
Unlock global work opportunities when you learn English! Explore practical tips and IELTS insights for a career boost.
Mastering Language Learning with the Pomodoro Technique
What is the Pomodoro Technique and how does it work? IDP offers insights on how it can maximise concentration and retention for effective language learning.
IELTS Speaking Test: 8 Things to Avoid Saying and Doing
Could these topics and questions be hurting your score in the IELTS Speaking test? Get these tips from IDP.
Navigating Beyond the Intermediate English Language Learning Hurdle
So you’ve learnt the basics of English, but are not quite fluent yet? Here are some effective strategies to overcome this plateau.