To help bring the best support for candidates in choosing the most suitable test date, IDP has updated the paper-based IELTS test schedule at Thai Nguyen.
IDP gives you access to authentic and up-to-date IELTS preparation materials, including sample exercises, test tips, and the IELTS by IDP app to help you prepare for all ranges of skills.
FREE online IELTS Preparation Course worth 1,400,000 VND
When registering for the paper-based IELTS test at IDP, candidates will immediately receive an IELTS preparation course that includes sample test questions, IELTS Ebooks for all skills, and an online exam preparation course developed by experts from Macquarie University.
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Monday - Sunday | 8:00am - 5:00pm考试中心地址
No. 586 Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, Group 8, Gia Sang Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province