Are you heading into your IELTS test? Are you worried about how COVID-19 will affect your IELTS test day? There is a lot happening in the world right now, but know we are here to support you and help keep your work, study and migration goals on track.
We have been following the advice of the World Health Organisation and relevant local governments to help create a healthy test day environment for all test takers. This includes additional safety measures to help protect you on your IELTS test day, as well as regular updates on IDP’s global community #inthistogther.
Here is a summary of some of the additional precautions we have introduced for your test day:
Ask you to sign a health declaration
Test takers and staff may wear a mask
Hand sanitisers readily available
Test room disinfection & deep cleaning
Additional spacing for test takers and reduced group sizes
Partitions in IELTS on computer test rooms
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You may log in to our official IDP IELTS website and check your test results directly from there within 13 days of your test date. However, with IELTS on Computer results within 2 days. For any queries or doubts related to your IELTS preparation, call us on our toll-free number, 18001024544 or email us at You can also visit us at our nearest IDP IELTS branch.
Health declaration
For the health and safety of all test takers, the test centre will ask you to complete a self-declaration form confirming you are fit and healthy to sit your IELTS test.
If you experience any of the following, ensure you contact your test centre immediately and discuss options to reschedule your test:
If you have been in contact with a person suspected to have been exposed to novel corona virus
If you are unwell, have a cough or fever, or are showing flu-like symptoms such as a shortness of breath or sore throat
If you are currently under compulsory self-isolation
Wearing a mask
Test centre staff and examiners may wear a face mask to cover their mouth and nose during your IELTS test. We also advise you bring your own mask and wear it throughout your test for your own safety. Test centre staff may ask you to uncover your face temporarily during security checks.
Hand sanitiser at your test centre
As we know, washing your hands regularly can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. You will be asked to wash your hands regularly throughout your test day, from when you arrive, right through to when you finish your test. Test centre staff will also have anti-bacterial hand sanitiser for you to use throughout the day.
Test room disinfection and deep cleaning
To ensure your safety, we will disinfect all test-related equipment. This includes items such as desks, chairs, headphones, keyboards and other items you will need to successfully complete your IELTS test.
Additional spacing
We will follow the social distancing guidelines outlined by the World Health Organisation for your safety. Test venues are providing more personal space for all test takers. This may include partitions to help separate desks in the IELTS on computer test rooms.
Smaller numbers per test session
Again, following the World Health Organisations guidelines, and to ensure your safety, all test venues will run test sessions at a reduced capacity to allow for ample spacing between test takers.
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Partitions in IELTS on computer test rooms
Our IELTS on computer test rooms will be equipped with partitions to help protect test takers.
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__Regional component para__ In our previous article on using mind maps to build your vocabulary, we told you what mind maps were, and how they can be used to increase your range of vocabulary. Being able to talk about a range of everyday topics is important for everyday communication. We are all aware of what is happening around us in the world and we can communicate about these topic areas easily in our own languages. However, it can be difficult to discuss topics in the same way when we have to use English. By increasing your range of English vocabulary, it is easier to think of what to say quickly and it helps to understand the topics you are listening to, reading, writing, or speaking about. published IELTS One Skill Retake 30 Second Promo
We mentioned that you can build your vocabulary resource by reading daily, watching English programmes and movies, singing in English and by studying word lists. You can also build your vocabulary by using mind maps.
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