
Its (without an apostrophe) is the possessive of the pronoun “it”. You will also come across “it’s” (with an apostrophe). This is a contraction of “it is” or “it has”. Because they are pronounced the same but have different meanings, we call these words homophones. These words are often confused – even by native English speakers. So, how do we tell the difference between them? In this IELTS Grammar 101, we’ll give you some tips on telling them apart. 

  • Difference between its and it’s 

  • Synonyms of its and it’s 

  • Use its and it’s in a sentence 

Its or it's: the difference


Is a determiner: A modifying word that determines the kind of reference a noun or noun group has, for example a, the, every. 


A contraction: The process of shortening a word by combination or abbreviation.

Its or it's: the definitions


  • Belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified 

  • Belonging to or associated with a child or unspecified sex. 


  • Contraction of “It is” or “It has”

Its or it's: the synonyms


Could also mean (synonyms): Owned, hers, his, theirs, yours 


Does not have any synonyms

Its or it's: in a sentence 


  • I loved the cut of the dress but had issues with its colour. 

  • In the dead of the night, all we could hear was its footsteps. 

  • The television didn't fit its stand.

  • The laptop is too big for its case. 

  • The company issued a statement about its new policy.


  • It’s so cold in Melbourne. 

  • Choose what you want but it’s all the same in my opinion. 

  • I hope it’s not too difficult for you. 

  • It’s been almost a week of waiting. 

  • It’s nice to know that my work is recognised.